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I am back after a long hiatus !!

A lot has happened since the last time I was here putting my thoughts in words: some random and some deliberate and hopefully worth a read. The reason I was away were many from social commitments to writer’s block, from medical issues to family commitments. Presuming that things are now under control and life is back to where it is supposed to be without its nasty surprises and tribulations.

I pick from where I had left in the last post, a post about visiting my boarding school and meeting friends after a gap of two decades. It was such a pleasure being there and meeting them but then again 22 years have passed since we last interacted, barring the interaction on social media sites. We had all evolved and acquired new personalities some of which were easy to recognize and mingle with and some I wasn’t so sure.  If not for FB I would have certainly not recognized some of them. With some it was easy to pick from where I had left way back in 1993, the affinity with friends who were pals then was still the same, well for most of them.

Somehow the spirit of school was never got ingrained in me to have a deep lasting permanent nostalgia , yes I am definitely proud of what I learnt in Mayo and what it gave me but again so did my college, my work place and the place of my dwelling now !! 22 years hence some of the memories have faded away and have been eclipsed by the latest ones. The inner demons have been conquered and don’t seem scary enough now.

The stay in Ajmer for schooling and later the 7 years in Mumbai for college and now the last 15 years in Udaipur have enabled me to foster friendships that are both strong and durable. Friends that have been made at different junctures of my life.

I don’t know if you find the post interesting enough but to me they are therapeutic and give an opportunity to release my thoughts out in the open and also it fulfills my need to write and be read. As the famous writer Ruskin Bond has said “Write about anything that comes to mind. I started recording thoughts, dreams…if nothing exciting is happening you can write about a dream, most of my romantic stories were dreams. Write about things as if you are looking at them for the last time and you will find the words to preserve them. Believe in your writing and never despair “

Taking cue from him I am going to henceforth enlighten and bore you with whatever comes to mind. So the strength of God be with you to endure me and my writings…..

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